E77 - Lori Ell, Founder & President of Growing Ideas

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If we want to start anywhere, let’s stop trying to be something other than who we are.
— Lori Ell - 00:59:54

As a leader, business strategy coach, and board director, Lori brings 25+ years of hands-on experience in all aspects of business to the table. Her career as a strategic planner gives her a unique perspective on Calgary and our way forward. So, what’s her take on our transformation? It’s a two-sided coin that presents both opportunities and roadblocks, and we need to keep both in mind as we move forward.

In this episode, Lori and I have an honest conversation about the two sides of the coin – the one where we learn and adapt to new opportunities and the other where we lean on our history, our proven track record, and our expertise to thrive.
