E362 - Current & Critical - Jenna Kaye, Female Led Disruption in the Financial Sector

I’ve always seen it as a big advantage to be a female CEO. I think there are less than 50 female CEOs with a market cap around ours, which is not good.
— Jenna Kaye 16:13

Aspiring to expand your business across Canada or venture into new markets? Let Jenna's insightful experience guide you through potential challenges. As a female trailblazer in a predominantly male industry, Jenna has harnessed her unique perspective to foster a detail-oriented organization, benefiting immensely from those who shattered glass ceilings before her. Her leadership has been crucial in cultivating a culture of empowerment and assembling a formidable team whose talents symbiotically mesh to fulfill the organization's core mission. Jenna's insights shed light on the complex dynamics of building a top-notch team and leveraging unique advantages to lead in challenging environments.
