E360 - Current & Critical - Alkarim Devani, The Housing Crisis, Changing Lives & Building Dreams

We’re desperate for housing today, and the constraints are getting more and more challenging whether it be zoning costs, interest rates, or shortage of labour.
— Alkarim Devani 40:51

Unstable housing strains everyone - from individuals who can’t afford to buy their first home to students being priced out of a competitive rental market. And, with Calgary’s focus on sprawling single-family communities, we haven’t set ourselves up for stability and success. Alkarim is passionate about changing this at RNDSQR by collaborating with the city to change zoning laws, ensuring inclusivity and affordable housing options. He also admires Phil Jackson’s coaching philosophy, emphasizing the importance of following a process rather than solely focusing on outcomes. This episode will inspire you to find creative and innovative solutions to some of our most urgent problems.
