E326 - Current & Critical - Sheri Moore, MESH - History, Legacy and the YYC Come-Back

I want a Team Canada approach to everything that we do, because I think that if we can do that, then we become competitive on a global scale.
— Sheri Moore 21:15

Explore the power of smaller, more intimate settings when it comes to breaking past personal barriers and exposing yourself to new people, ideas, concepts, businesses, and conversations. Sheri Moore has a wealth of experience in event planning and a unique perspective on Western Canada, having grown up in Eastern Canada. She shares her insights on building a conference that curates the best possible experience for speakers and attendees and what questions and rules you should consider when doing so. Throughout the conversation, Sheri’s optimistic outlook on the DNA of Calgary shines through as she shares how this city is comfortable doing interesting things by breaking, disrupting, and transforming.
