E307 - Follow the Money - Andrew Lester and Andi Caruso, Built in Canada - How to start an E-Bike company in Western Canada


Andrew Lester


Andi Caruso

It’s finding a co-founder that you jive with and are going to work well together with; finding someone that’s got the work ethic and drive that matches you own.
— Andrew Lester 9:14

What if we could reimagine the way people get to and from work, bring their skis from the chalet to the slopes, or golf clubs from the resort to the green? It might look like Lyric Cycle, a Calgary-based start-up prototyping electric transportation that can be purpose-built for many different situations. Andrew and Andi are passionate about bringing sustainable transportation to people around the world and are bootstrapping and pitching their way to make it a reality. Get informed about the realities of e-bikes and sustainability with a side of entrepreneurial inspiration to tackle your world-changing idea.
