E302 - Current & Critical - Kevin Krausert, Transitioning the Energy Sector From the Inside Out

We’ve been able to de-risk the riskiest stage of the investment process to be able to generate superior returns and accelerate these technologies a lot faster.
— Kevin Krausert 29:15

Get ready to be inspired by Avatar Innovations, the game-changing company that is de-risking technology investments to create a brighter future for the world’s energy sector. Through their Ignite, Studio, and Venture programs, Avatar has already developed 30 new technologies – with two of them even becoming finalists in the prestigious XPRIZE competition. Avatar is committed to ensuring that Calgary is recognized in both the energy industry and the crucial energy transition. With the support of industry heavyweights like Cenovus, TC Energy, Suncor, and Enbridge, Avatar is helping to put Calgary on the map as a global leader in the race to reduce carbon emissions and drive progress towards a more sustainable future.
