E297 - Current & Critical - Boaz Shilmover, Nick Brewer and Stewart Cummings, How to Win as an Underdog - Peeling back the layers on the Alberta Telecom Wars


Boaz Shilmover


Nick Brewer


Stewart Cummings

With us, you get true independent telecommunication services that are not reliant on the incumbents, both from an operations perspective and a cost perspective.
— Boaz Shilmover 5:15

Challenging the biggest corporate players isn’t for the faint of heart. But Moby is changing internet and television for home and business right here in Calgary by running their own fibre optic cables and providing key services. Having a choice is always important, particularly when monopolies control a service completely. Find out how guerrilla marketing, aggressive capital deployment, and good old-fashioned chutzpah are putting Moby on the map.
