E282 - Follow the Money - Dennis Kambeitz, Crowdfunding, Pitching and Going to Market with Purpose

This technology is going to redefine all industries, virtually simultaneously, and it’s going to transform a huge number of careers.
— Dennis Kambeitz 6:30

Robots and artificial intelligence are changing the world. But it can be hard to see how these technologies will affect us in the future. Dennis likens robotics and AI training to seeing the internet before it came around - by creating a company that can scale and grow with these changes, EZ-Robot is right in the center of this major shift. In this episode, you’ll learn how Dennis selected key partners who could short circuit sales cycles, provide guidance, and create growth opportunities. By completing crowdfunding in earlier stages of the company, EZ-Robot is better positioned for an angel or VC investor. No technical expertise is required for this episode - just old-fashioned curiosity about how our world will change with these technologies.
