E280 - Current & Critical - Gus Minor, Building a Tech Start-Up that Saves Lives

If the true intent is to save people’s lives, and to solve a problem, unfortunately, a lot of automation doesn’t solve that problem. You have to have the right mindset as a leader to endure.
— Gus Minor 20:30

Globally each year, 2.6 million workers wake up, go to work, and do not make it home due to a fatal workplace incident. Despite efforts to audit and examine these fatalities — and what led to them — this number continues to rise. The Sofvie team took this on as a challenge to empower workers to have full control over whether they make it home or not. Leaders of the organizations they support require the right mindset to generate holistic buy-in across their organization to implement radical change in health & safety. Learn how leaders should approach creating unity in safety, how health & safety directly correspond to production and sustainability, and the tools Sofvie has created to help high-risk industries build a brighter and safer future.
