E268 - Current & Critical - Kylie Woods, Chic Geek - Making a Difference for Women in Tech

When we don’t have enough women in those intermediate and senior positions, then other young girls and young women will not be able to see themselves there either. It just reinforces this cycle that we’re already in.
— Kylie Woods 13:39

Since its inception, Chic Geek has evolved to focus on breaking negative cycles that affect women in technology. Their founding motto goes, “If she can see it, she can be it.” Without DEI initiatives and strong leadership that truly advocates for and creates a safe workplace, organizations will struggle to attract, hire and retain talent — not to mention, customers increasingly work with partners that reflect their values and quickly discard those who don’t. Learn the value and importance of DEI in helping our burgeoning tech scene keep pace and create safe, productive spaces for everyone.
