E153 - Current & Critical - Melanie McClare, Cleantech - An Alberta Opportunity

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To me, Cleantech is really a technology that purposefully and mindfully provides a solution that can measurably reduce human impact on planet Earth.
— Melanie McClare 00:09:29

Cleantech is a popular buzzword right now but to Melanie McClare, CEO of Swirltex, it’s more than that. It’s a path forward to measurably reduce our impact on the environment. She walks us through the challenge of finding the right investor that understands their space (hardware Cleantech) and why Melanie has to look south of our border to find that person.

Alberta needs to foster more early adopters to help pilot technology to shorten the time frame of capital raising, and Melanie helps us understand how we have a critical opportunity to educate the investment community around diversification and keep wealth in our province.
