E137 - Current & Critical - Allie Knull, How Resumes are Killing your Recruiting Process

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There’s lots of things that we glaze over when it comes to choosing the best people because of what they’ve done in the past, not with the potential that they have.
— Allie Knull - 00:37:32

You can learn a lot about someone based on their resume. Where they’ve worked, what they’ve learned, and what they’ve accomplished. That information is important for hirers, but for Allie, a recruitment and HR professional, something equally if not more important is often missing – a candidate’s potential. To solve that problem, Allie launched ResumeFree™, an online screening tool that connects candidates and employers based on traits and metrics that aren't found on a resume.

Join me as Allie shares her take on Alberta’s start-up community, the resources she used to bring her idea to life, and why the traditional resume has become antiquated in the age of digital and social networking.
